Friday, May 24, 2013

First Week

Welcome to my blog about #Life as an Intern! After a lot of stress and emails, I finally landed not one but two internships at Hearst Corporation! Obviously, I am beyond excited, and I wanted to be able to share my experiences not only for people who may or may not read my blog, but also for me, so I can keep a record and remember some of the things I had to do during my first summer interning in NYC! First things first, I am going to try to blog on a weekly basis, recapping the week's events. I will also try to post some fun photos that I took during the week from the beautiful building itself, errands I am running, or tasks I am completing! Hopefully this ride will be a wild one filled with many adventures. One can always hope!

Week 1: May 20- May 24

This week was filled with many firsts. First off, I had my first day at Good Housekeeping on Monday. I was so nervous! The weather was not what I expected and I couldn't make up my mind of what to wear. I ended up wearing pants and a cute top but regretted it, I wish I dressed more fashion forward like I have the rest of the week. The Hearst Tower is located on 57th and 8th Avenue and is absolutely gorgeous. I waited in the lobby for a bit, looking at the the other interns and employees coming into work. That was really cool, but then I always did love people watching. When I got up to Good Housekeeping on the 28th floor, I was immediately whisked into the fashion closet and put to work. The fashion director in charge of the closet is Jasmine and her assistant is Alexandra. The other intern working with me is Alena. She is from Michigan and has never been to NYC before! Maybe I can show her around. Everyone was really nice and friendly as we worked unpacking boxes of clothes, shoes, and accesories that were coming in for the September Issue. We had to write down everything that was in the boxes, take pictures of them, and then put them away in the closet and file the paperwork. It was a lot of work, but the system is fairly efficient and I already have gotten the hang of it. Some of the clothes are matronly and some are cute, which is what I figured for GH. I learned how to log all of the items, mail things back, and ask people for price and credit requests. During the two days, the fashion director was prepping for a photo spread that was to be shot this Thursday so she was constantly hanging up outfits and figuring out if they looked good together and what accesories to pair with them.

On Wednesday, I had my first day at Creative Communications on the 12th floor. I'm really glad that I decided to do both internships because I like the variety, the people, and keeping busy every day. I was less nervous for this one and was actually more excited. I have my own desk in the back closet, along with a Mac and I got my own Hearst email. On the floor, there are graphic designers, but I specifically work with Leslie and Kati, director and assistant of Creative Communications. They are really nice as well. This week my main objective was to work on items for the corporate "Hearst Homecoming: Past and Present" party. The CEO of Hearst was retiring and a huge luncheon is being held on Tuesday to honor him and fellow retirees and current employees at Hearst. Basically, it was as if I worked for an events company and had to prep everything for the party. First, I had to get a sepcific ribbon for menus and thank you cards. Armed with the company credit card, I briefly got lost onn my way to the first art shop. Later, after two taxi rides and visiting two stores, I had all the ribbon I needed.This felt like something out of Devil Wears Prada. The rest of the days, I made nametags, menus, thank you cards, programs, and anything else for the event. The people in charge were very specific and I had to redo things a couple of times, which was extremely frustrating, but I got through it. On Friday, I luckily had two extra helpers and we were able to complete everything which felt really, really, good. So far, so good. I really enjoy both jobs and am excited to see what is in store next!


Celebrity Spotter:
Joanna Coles, Editor in Chief of COSMO, outside Hearst building
Chris Rock, Comedian, Columbus Ave
Jerry Seinfeld, Comedian, Beresford Gym

Empty Tiffany Boxes that held the Silver Frames that served as place cards for the
CEO luncheon.

Ribbon store #2 M & J Trimmings. Way cool.

My ID! This lets me get in the building and into the doors on my floor.

View from the GH Fashion Closet.