Monday, July 29, 2013

Once Upon an Internship....

Week 10:
July 22- July 26

As the end of July nears, I am attempting to wrap my head around the fact that my internships are almost over! This summer has gone unbelievably fast and I have enjoyed each and every moment of it (well, most of them at least!). This week at Good Housekeeping we were still prepping for November. We began to assemble the looks for the coat story and the belt story. Our fashion director returned after a vacation in Italy and was very pleased to see the new and improved, but mostly clean, closet. We began checking into our inventory shipments of boots, hats, mittens, scarfs, and an odd assortment of items and trinkets for our holiday gift guide spread. The other intern and I also continued to work on our project of updating the massive contact list. The list, like the closet, was new and improved. It was very exciting to see our hard work come together and the fashion assistant applauded us for a job well done.

Although the United Way shoot was over a few weeks ago, we still had items that needed to be taken care of at Creative Communications. We received the last few quotes from the participants. This process was quote painful and involved the Hanna and I stalking the participants who had not yet given their quotes. You may think the term 'stalking' is a little extreme, but it sure felt like this was what we were doing. We sent them emails on emails, called them, until they finally caved and we received their quote. Some were way more difficult than others. At this point, we still do not have Anne Fulenwider's quote. Her assistant keeps dodging us, but don't worry, the super interns will prevail! We also began to send the photos from the shoot to the participants. They wanted to use the photos for other purposes such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or a monthly column. Some were very happy with their final picture, and others...not so much. One of those unhappy campers just happens to be the assistant to Joanna Coles. He made his unhappiness extremely evident when he telephoned me asking me to change his photo or he will (and I direct quote here): personally hunt me down. Let's just say that the situation was taken care of. Other than the United Way, we continued to work on the Infiniti event. The coffee cups and sleeves were delivered and the VIP wristbands are on their way to Pebble Beach. After much deliberation, the jackets and polos were approved and are being completed hopefully as we speak. Besides major projects, we worked on recipes for the fall edition of Delish magazine and the new CEO, Steve Swartz's celebratory gala in September. For this, I contact a calligrapher to address the invitations and am currently working on finding either a wax or faux wax seal for the envelopes. On Friday, I also worked on the FAB retirement book, a project we had started earlier in the summer. I was in charge of scanning FAB's personal documents so we can put them in the book. I thought it was going to be a normal, uneventful scanning session, until I scanned a personal letter from Jimmy Carter ( YES--that Jimmy Carter) to FAB. Let's just say that this was the highlight of my day.



Celebrity Spotter
-Does a note from Jimmy Carter count? (much to my dismay, I didn't think so either)

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