Monday, August 5, 2013

Red White and Blues

Week 11:

July 29-August 2

Hello end of July! I know I say this about every other blog post--but this time I am absolutely serious. I truly cannot believe how fast this summer is going. This week was already the beginning of August. Part of me is excited to go home and begin school, but the majority of me is really enjoying the present as well. I continued to enjoy the present at Good Housekeeping. Things continued to be manic as we hunted diligently for prices for the coat and belt stories. A large concentration of my days there was also spent on the Holiday Gift Guide. We had our first run through on Monday and I was in charge of creating a spreadsheet containing the price, shipping info, description, and an image of the product. Some of the ideas were really cool and out of the box. Wish I could tell you, but you'll just have to wait to find out just like any other Good Housekeeping reader! This week, the September issue came out and Alena and I were able to see all of the hard word we did on the pants issue! I fully plan on saving the issue and showing it off someday. I have also been chosen to train the new interns. That's crazy, right? It feels like just yesterday that I was trained on my first day back in May. Looks like I will have to fake it til I make it so these interns are impressed with my knowledge.

At Creative Communications, my week could not have gone more differently than at Good Housekeeping. Both internships were complete mayhem, but Creative Communications took on a WHOLE new level. On Wednesday alone, I had to create two high importance spreadsheets that I only learned mid-afternoon were due later that night. One was for a timeline for invitations we are creating for the new CEO's gala in September. I had to estimate when proofs were arriving, when they would be approved, and when everything would be shipped to the calligrapher for final touches. In addition to that gem, I also had to create an expenses spreadsheet for a project we are doing in October that in estimates totals over half a million dollars! I didn't want to say it---but I told you so! These were no small tasks I was given. After a little bit of panic (ok fine---almost an internal mental breakdown), I completed both tasks and gave myself a huge pat on the back (literally). The next two days were a little slower, but I was still in charge of updating the new projects. I also reverted back to my favorite summer project, United Way. We had a couple of quotes from participants that needed to be approved and one quote that we are still waiting for. I will not name who is being so difficult with their quote--but it has come to the point where the other intern and I feel like stalkers. We have repeatedly emailed and called her assistant. This past Friday on her day off,  Hanna sent a particularly nasty email to her assistant only to have her assistant call our office and yell at me thinking I was Hanna. Let's just say that I understand that her boss is an important and powerful person, but this quote business is getting out of hand! Hopefully, before our last days we can get her quote. Honestly, when it's my last week I probably won't even care about leaving a bad impression and will do anything (within my power) to get that damn quote.

Well, on that note, I will stop ranting and raving and have you enjoy one of the last few blog entries that I will be writing! Read it and weep my loyal readers.




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