Monday, August 12, 2013

August Rush

Week 12:

August 5- August 9

The second to last week of my internships commence! I probably could have stopped blogging because my internship evaluation is done and let's face it--I'm home free, I wanted to anyway. I started this experience on this site and will absolutely finish it. My two brief days at Good Housekeeping were brief as usual. It was sad because this was Alena's last week. I cannot believe how fast the summer went and the fact that she is actually leaving. I feel like it was our first day together just yesterday! I hope to stay in touch and hopefully her and the rest of my intern friends can reunite for our next summer in the city! We celebrated by going to the place we first got dinner together, Peanut Butter and Co and after we walked the Highline which was so, so gorgeous. We were busy as usual at Good Housekeeping. We had to send back a lot of the coats we received for the Coat Story starring in this November issue. This made for a lot of heavy packages! I also finished the Holiday Gift guide. It ended up being a pretty intense spreadsheet detailing  the product name, image, price, details and shipping info. I'm looking forward to seeing the items I worked on in the magazine come this holiday season.

I remember talking about a week of firsts. This week has begun my week of lasts. This week at Creative Communications was also Hanna's last day. The department threw us a party with baked goods to celebrate us. Compared to last week, where I was very, very busy, this week was a little slower. I had to make a few deliveries to the corporate floor and continued to work on spreadsheets I had begun earlier. Get ready next week for my last post! I know, I know, I might have to control the tears as well.



Celebrity Spotter
- FAB aka Frank A. Bennack, CEO of Hearst (Hearst Tower)

The beautiful Highline Park

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