Friday, August 16, 2013

Bon Voyage

Week 13:
August 12-August 16

I swear that every year of my life, time moves faster. Here I am, already done with my summer and both internships. When I started in May really does seem like just yesterday. Monday and Tuesday were super sad at Good Housekeeping. Okay, not super sad, but they were very sad that I was leaving and it was nice that I had clearly made an impact and proved myself a worthy intern. On both Monday and Tuesday, I trained two new interns who would be there for the entire fall. I passed the figurative "torch". It felt very strange to actually do the training because I was just trained by another intern 3 months ago! I showed both girls how to complete the daily tasks and they caught on very quickly. I have no doubt that in December they will be pros. Jasmine and Victoria gave me cookies from Magnolia Bakery that said THANK YOU. I thought it was very sweet and just proves once again how great the work environment is at Good Housekeeping. Monday, the new intern and I went to an invent to celebrate the beauty brand mark.'s 10th birthday. It was on the top floor of the Trump Hotel in Soho. Lucy Hale from Pretty Little Liars was there because she was the brand ambassador. It was beautiful overlooking the city and a really great way to end my time at Good Housekeeping. My summer spent at Good Housekeeping was definitely an unexpected pleasant surprise. By the time I left, I loved the people, the work environment and working with fashion in general.

At Creative Communications, I actually began two new projects and nearly finished them. One project was for Delish. I was in charge of finding the photos associated with the recipes and contacting the photographers and purchasing the image and the rights from them to use in the magazine. I created a massive spreadsheet with tons of information that made this otherwise complicated project do-able. The other project was for a corporate ad campaign that we are running at Hearst in the fall. I also had to assemble rights for photography. However, in this case, we also had to get rights from talent because we were using people's images for the ad campaign. After a few Word documents, most of the information was easy to understand. I also demonstrated to others how to use Flikr, the online photo database that Hanna and I had been updating all summer. They were very impressed and I was happy that the re-vamped database was going to be put to use in the future. Looking back, I definitely dabbled in a lot of different areas and projects. By far, my favorite was the United Way Campaign. I really enjoyed the whole process, meeting different people and organizing and being on set for photo shoots.

I know, I know, you all saw this paragraph I am typing here coming. Of course, it is going to consist of me wrapping up my summer and summarizing it for myself---I promise to not get too emotional (hah, who are we kidding?) This summer was definitely an experience, one giant experience. There was so much that happened, I am already mentally preparing myself for the array of questions I will get about it. I will have to prepare myself for the best parts, the worst parts, the celebrity spottings, and the ultimate horror stories straight out of Devil Wears Prada. I learned a ton this summer, not just about the jobs I was in, but the industry. I met some really great people who I will stay in touch with, and others that I cannot wait to flee the building and never see again. Although I may have liked certain parts more than others, the parts I didn't liked helped me to define what I want to do in the future. AH! There's that word again--the future. Thank god that I am only going to be a junior and have more time to figure out exactly what I want to do. This summer definitely narrowed it down and allowed me to explore more options I hadn't even considered before. So what's in store for me--Becca Bryden in the future? I plan to return to NYC next summer and embark on a new journey (aka internship). There is always more to learn and you simply cannot beat a first-hand experience. Until next summer my friends! Cheers!


mark.'s 10th Birthday!

Goodbye gift from GH

Lucy Hale and the CEO of mark.

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