Sunday, June 23, 2013

Biting into the Big Apple

Week 5

June 17th-June 21st

The second to last week in June sped by, just like every other week. At Good Housekeeping, we began to request items for the October issue. A big project that I had to do was for the September credits. We got the mockups of the fashion spreads and had to identify what every item was on the model and have a credit request for that item. A credit request includes manufacturer, price, fabric contents, and where you can purchase it. The spread looked really great and it was cool to see the looks come together on the models when we had seen the fashion director picking out all of the clothing in weeks prior.

At Creative Communications, we were busy preparing ourselves for the portrait revealing next week. The infamous easel finally arrived and Hanna and I put on our construction helmets and went to work assembling it, which turned out to be much more challenging than we had imagined. Part of this was due to the very sketchy directions included. After 2 hours, the easel was assembled. The next morning when I came in the easel was still in tact and hadn't spontaneously combusted while we slept, so I definitely considered that a win. For the portrait event, the programs came so I assembled them as well. The program consisted of a small version of the portrait with a vellum overlay giving a background on the artist. Both of these elements were sealed with a custom sticker in a small silver pocket invitation. The other major event that is rapidly approaching is the United Way Campaign. This week, all the emails congratulating the recipients on being selected were sent out. Slowly but surely we have started to get responses and have started scheduling photo shoots. So far, some major people that are participating are Ann Shoket, editor-in-chief of Seventeen, Anne Fulenwider, editor-in-chief of Marie Claire, and Jack Essig, the publisher of Esquire. I am very much looking forward to these shoots and continuing to work on the whole campaign in general. I continued work on the Infiniti event that is to take place at Pebble Beach. I also got to go shopping, which I must admit is always a plus. Basic tees, tanks, and button downs in neutral colors were needed for the Dove Hair shoots taking place next week. I picked up these items at American Apparel, Gap, and Banana Republic.

Another busy week in the life of an intern has come and gone. Each week has brought new adventures and I am excited to see what else is in store for me. Although the time has gone fast--I cant believe its already July--I still have more time here and will soak up each and every experience.



Celebrity Spotter
  • Joanna Coles, editor-in- chief of Cosmo (the 43rd floor of Hearst when I was running an errand)

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