Sunday, June 9, 2013

Livin' the Good Life

Week 3:
June 3-7

And begins week 3 of the summer of my dreams. I can't believe its my first week already! It's going so fast and so much is happening that I have to force myself to remember to blog so I can recall what I did all week for myself and my loyal fans (ok-- you caught me, I don't have any yet, but I know some of you out there will become loyal fans, or at least I'm hoping!). This week also contained a lot of firsts, actually it seems that every week has a lot of firsts and when I look back its exciting to see how much happened in one week! This week at Good Housekeeping was enjoyable as always. We were preparing for a follow up story for the shoot that was shot last Thursday so we had to send out a lot of credit requests for the clothes and accessories via email. My email address was definitely worn out by the end of the week. I feel so official using it, and no one really knows that their fate rests in the hands of an intern. A very exciting thing that also happened was that it was the first time I got to participate in a giveaway. Basically, everything that doesn't get sent back or that has been in the closet for awhile is put on a rack or tossed in a box and anyone in the Good Housekeeping offices are allowed to take for FREE. Alena and I rooted through everything and were actually able to find some pretty cool stuff. I got a pair of Hudson jeans for my mom, a stack of bangles, and brand new New Balance running sneakers. Pretty good loot for my first time! The rest of the week was spent organizing the closet so we can send back the clothes after the fashion story is done for September and watching a run through with some of the editorial staff including the creative director and the editor in chief.

At Creative Communications, the week took on a whole another role. Once again, I have to appreciate how lucky I am to get such different experiences this summer in both internship roles. I love working every day and it keeps me busy. The big job this week was to find an easel. Yes, I do realize how strange that sounds. Basically, at the end of June there is a ceremony presenting the new CEO with a portrait that was recently done of him. For the reveal, the portrait needs to rest on an easel. Therefore, it was Hanna and I's job to find a high quality easel that was worthy of a CEO's portrait. We contacted everyone and their brother. Well not really, but by the end of the week, it certainly felt that way! We called prop houses, antique stores, auction house, even custom woodworkers. It was a very long process and hopefully an easel was chosen, even those it might end up costing the corporation $1500. We also had to deal with how to reveal this portrait. Covering the painting in cloth was not an option because the staff wanted to get more creative, so a tri fold board with the Hearst logo was created to hide the painting. This reveal turned into quite the elaborate process, and just like the old CEO's retirement party, I was very interested to see the extravagance. I added to Flikr and also flipped through competitive magazines to find P&G ads and any other advertisement for our records. I'm totally fine with being asked to flip through magazines as a means of work. I mean, who honestly wouldn't be? Finally, reminiscent of the ribbon debacle, I had to run to a bunch of paper stores around the city in order to find invitations for another event for the CEO. I picked up a bunch of samples and am waiting on approval on which one we will be going forward with.

On a social note, I finally made friends my own age! Can I get a whoop whoop? I went to this Ed2010 Welcome to NYC Intern get together on Tuesday evening. A bunch of interns I knew were going and I decided to go and planned on leaving after an hour. I actually ended up staying for three. I met people from all over the US interning at different places all over the city. It was really cool to share stories not only about college but about our internships as well. So far this week, I've met up with them a bunch of times already and I'm really excited to spend the summer with everyone in the city. This is what I dreamed of -- interning during the day and hanging with friends on weekends. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but if this week is any indication of how this summer will go, I'll fully on board! Anchors away!

Celebrity Spotter:
Glenda Bailey, editor in chief of Harper's Bazaar (lobby of Hearst building)


Some of my new friends and I at the Boat Basin reppin' our sororities!
 (and yes--those are twins)
The beautiful Hearst building on my walk to work one morning.

My free loot from the GH closet!

Competitive mags-working hard or hardly working?

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