Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summer and the City

Week 2:
May 28-May 31

Week 2 came and went quickly! Since Monday was Memorial Day, the week felt shorter than usual. On Tuesday I reported to work at Good Housekeeping. Alexandra, the fashion assistant was away so it was only Alena and I to tend to the fashion closet. We got a lot of new clothes and accesories in and we were busy unpacking them. The giant crisis of the day was an incoming delivery from Bloomingdales. The fashion director needed it by 1pm for a run through with the editor in chief later in the afternoon. I spent the majority of the morning  speaking to the Hearst Delivery Service asking them numerous times where the delivery and messenger was. Finally, the delivery came in at 1 exactly, but I had to go down to the delivery center on the 2nd floor to get it because it would take another hour for the messengers to bring it upstairs! Crazy. It was mayhem down there. Orders were flowing in from every which way and messengers were everywhere. After I picked up the Bloomingdales order, the last thing I heard before I left was someone shouting, "SOMEONE HAS TO GO TO LOUIS VUITTON!". The rest of the afternoon was mildly tame and it was interesting to see the editor in chief,Rosemary Ellis, go about the run thru with our fashion director. On Thursday there was to be a shoot in the meatpacking district for the fashion spread. Although I couldn't make this one, I'm hoping to go on one in the future!

At Creative Communciations, I met the other intern I would be working with, Hanna. She had been there last year so it was cool to get her perspective on things. We worked well together and a lot of the tasks we completed using teamwork which made them soooo much easier. Apparently, the luncheon that I had worked on the previous week went swimmingly and everyone was really excited about the successful outcome. The party planners even brought in a box of maccaroons to our office to celebrate our hard work. Hint for the future, maccaroons can and will be an exceptable form of payment! Hanna and I received one of our big projects for the summer- or at least the time being, which was Flickr, the online photo database. Basically, we had to catalog previous ads that the department made onto the website so that they can show it to potential clients or reference a past work themselves. We then had to tag each photo with various words that anyone could easily type in and find the ad on the site. Besides that, I organized completed projects that the department had finished into a filing system and paged through magazines looking for specific ads our department made to tear out and put into binders. Obviously, I was not too bothered by looking through magazines such as Cosmo, Elle, and Harper's on the job. I can definitely live with that. On Thursday, I had lunch with Hanna's friend and some other girls who intern at Seventeen. It was interesting to talk to other interns about their jobs and generally our love of working in the building, for the company, and in the industry. After another week of pure fabulousness, I could get used to this life. Just wait NYC, my journey is just beginning!


Celebrity Spotter:
Mayor Michael Bloomberg (Somewhere on the West Side after dinner)

Washington Square Park after an amazing dark chocolate peanut butter and banana sandwhich at
Peanut Butter and Co. Check it out: 

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